I don’t know if Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac fame) is a believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ or not.  Having listened to her songs and heard her interviews, I believe she is a deeply spiritual person.

The reason I am making a comparison to Stevie Nicks with the Gospel has to do with an event that happened 8 years ago.

On October 18, 2006, my son, Joshua, was on patrol with his patrol in downtown Fallujah, Iraq.  He was shot by a sniper in the right leg. It was very serious. He received immediate treatment at the scene, taken to Fallujah Surgical, then transported to a hospital in Germany.  After a few days they flew him to Bethesda Naval Hospital near Washington D.C.  (You can read more of our story at: www.burdinesadventure.blogspot.com

Bethesda is where Stevie Nicks enters the picture. During his month-long stay at Bethesda, Josh received many visitors: Several of President Bush’s Cabinet members, Major General & Commandant of the Marine Corps, Wilford Brimley, Dennis Miller, and Stevie Nicks.

Having grown up in a ‘country music’ home, I was unsure who Stevie Nicks was.  I had heard about Fleetwood Mac, but only knew a few of her songs.  But when we heard the celebrity was making her way down the hallway and stopping at each room, we got ready.   It was kind of funny, but when I told Josh that Stevie Nicks was coming for a visit, he asked ‘Who is he?’

Stevie Nicks visits Josh Burdine at Bethesda Hospital

Most of the past celebrity visitors stopped in, said ‘hi’, got a picture, and left.  When Stevie Nicks stopped in she sat right next to Josh and talked to him for nearly 1/2 hour.  She really cared about what he was going through and wanted him to know she appreciated his great sacrifice. She gave him a gift and left a big impression on us all.

Now, what does this have to do with the Gospel?  Well, I don’t know much about Stevie Nick’s personal life, her political views, or her spiritual understanding.  But since she showed kindness to my son, I like her.  All those other things are secondary to her actions to my son.  I never really knew of Stevie Nicks before that Fall day in 2006, but today she is one of my favorite rock singers.  I now have many of her songs on my iPhone and pray for her every day.

The Gospel is all about our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Our personal life, our political views, and our spiritual understanding are very important.  But God looks at our relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.  If your relationship with Jesus is good, your good with His Father.  The quickest way to get to the heart of God is through His Son Jesus Christ.  I hope you know Him.