Don’t Miss a Great Opportunity

Don’t Miss a Great Opportunity

When opportunity knocks, open the door. You never know if it will knock again. Do you recall a missed opportunity you wish would return? In 2000 the Detroit Lions had the opportunity to acquire Tom Brady in the NFL draft. But they opted for Stockar McDougle from...
Today – Tell Someone THANK YOU!

Today – Tell Someone THANK YOU!

One of the deepest and most powerful principles of human nature is the craving to be appreciated. Everybody wants to feel wanted. Even pastors have the deep down desire to know that people appreciate their ministry. I have been in full time ministry since I graduated...
How to develop Confident Faith

How to develop Confident Faith

Confidence is defined as the quality or state of being certain. Some of the benefits of being confident include: Motivation to start something good or stop something bad. Courage to stand up for right. Ability to say YES or NO Overcome fear. Stretch your limits....
Are You a Crack Pot?

Are You a Crack Pot?

How is your self-image? Poor self-image is a popular topic. Society blames personality flaws, depression, broken relationships, crime and many other negative results on poor self-image. The answer to poor self-image seems to be to make sure people realize how good...