“Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit” This was the last thing Jesus said or did Jesus before He died. It was a word of contentment, faith, confidence and love.
I want to share a few thoughts I picked up about those this statement from Arthur W. Pink’s book, ‘The Seven Sayings of the Savior on the Cross.’ They are worth your time to contemplate Jesus’ final statement from the cross.
And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. (Luke 23:46)
1. The Savior is back in communion with the Father.
Jesus spoke of His Father often. His first recorded words indicated He was to be about ‘His Father’s business.’ His first recorded sermon (the Sermon on the Mount) mentions ‘father’ 17 times. His last sermon (John 14-16) mentions ‘father’ 45 times. His first words from the cross were ‘Father, forgive them…’ But for six hours He was separated from His Father on the cross. He became sin and took the punishment for sin, crying, ‘My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.’ But now, He is back in communion with ‘His Father.’
2. The contrast between the hands of men and the hands of the Father.
For 12 hours Jesus was in the hands of men (Matthew 17:22,23; 26:45; Luke 24:6,7). He voluntarily delivered Himself into their hands. Now, He voluntarily delivered Himself into His Father’s hands.
3. Christ’s perfectly yielded to His Father.
Jesus committed His spirit into His Father’s hands in death because it had been yielded in the Father’s hands all through His life. As He lived, so He died. To die content in the Father’s hands you must live your life content in the Father’s hands.
4. The absolute uniqueness of Jesus’ death.
Jesus died, as He lived, like no other. His life was not taken from Him. He gave it. Three terms are used of this event: yielded up (Matthew 27:50), commend (Luke 23:46, ‘gave up’ (John 19:30. Jesus dismissed His spirit as a king dismisses His subject.
He died by an act of His own will. In man it would be considered suicide. But in Jesus it was proof of His perfection and uniqueness.
5. The place of eternal security is in the Father’s hands.
On the cross Jesus hung as the representative of all who would believe on Him. When Christ presented His spirit, He also presented our spirit into His Father’s hands. The place of eternal security is in the Father’s hands. Christ has committed His people into His Father’s hands and ‘no man is able to pluck them out of (my) Father’s hand.’ (John 10:29)
6. The blessed communion with God anytime anywhere.
Communion with God may be enjoyed independently of place or circumstance. Jesus was dying on a cross surrounded by enemies and yet found contentment in His communion with God. Communion with God is by faith and faith is not affected by things of the senses. There is blessed communion with God even in the hour of death (Psalm 23:4).
7. The heart’s true home is in the Father’s hands.
Our main concern at death is to see our spirits secured in Heaven. It is not the care of our body but the care of our soul and spirit. At death, our spirit finds its eternal home in the hands of God.
Is your spirit safe in the hands of the Father? Have you committed your spirit into His hands? Are you prepared to die and meet God Almighty?
You can read the other sayings of Jesus: “Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross“