3 Take Aways from Day 3 in Kenya

3 Take Aways from Day 3 in Kenya

Heaven Rejoices. It’s Day 3 in Nairobi, Kenya for the S4 Conference with Global Surge. Today was the Braveheart Evangelistic Camp. Over 1,129 young people attended this outdoor festival. Lots of music and native dancing, karate, magic and the Gospel. There were...
3 Take Aways from Day 3 in Kenya

3 Take Aways from Day 2 in Kenya

Hell’s Hole transforms into the Hope Center. It’s Day 2 in Nairobi, Kenya for the S4 Conference with Global Surge. Today I met the pastor of The Hope Center in Nairobi, Brian King. This is where the conference is located. I will be attending their Sunday...
3 Take Aways from Day 3 in Kenya

3 Take Aways from Day 1 in Kenya

It’s the trip of a lifetime. I am currently in Nairobi, Kenya for the S4 Conference with Global Surge. “S” stands for Synergy. Synergy is the “interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a...
Christians in an Age of Outrage

Christians in an Age of Outrage

Our world is changing. We live in a fractured and broken world that desperately needs healing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But too often it is the world that is making changes to the church, rather than the church positively changing our world. Today’s...
Before You Tweet

Before You Tweet

Recently, we have witnessed the tragic results of one tweet from one person. Rosanne Barr sent out a tweet that had racial implications. I’m not going to quote it. You can search exactly what she said. Racism is a terrible and ungodly attitude. Sadly, it is...