I was going through some old communication and found a note that I sent a husband. He was having a difficult time understanding his wife. He thought because he provided a good lifestyle that that was okay. But her response was “You don’t understand.” And he didn’t understand. So he asked me a simple question, ‘What does my wife want?’


I really don’t know if he wanted an answer. I just think he was asking a rhetorical question and wanted me to side with him that his wife was unreasonable. But as I began to think about his question, I thought I should answer him. Maybe it will help.

So I wrote him a note and tried to explain that men and women are different. And sometimes women want things so simple, that guys don’t get it. In reality, I don’t always get it. But I hope after 35 years of marriage, I’m getting better at getting it.

It was Sigmund Freud who famously said, “The great question that has never been answered and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?'”

I also understand what Sean Connery said, “I like women. I don’t understand them. But I like them.”

So below are some of my ideas I shared about what a woman wants. I’m not a woman, so I had to kinda guess and pick up on my experience and what others have expressed. So I’m sharing them with you hoping it helps guys better understand women in their life. I also hope women will be able to give a subtle hint to their husbands. Please share any others you may know.

  • A woman wants a man who will respect her – her thoughts, feelings, ideas, emotions.
  • A woman wants a man who adores her.  Admire her qualities, her characteristics. Show her you’re crazy about her.
  • A woman wants a man who is attentive.  Attentive to her needs, attentive to her words. Make time for her.
  • A woman wants a man who takes care of himself.
  • A woman wants to feel as if she is the most important thing in your world and that will only happen if you make her feel that she’s your first priority.
  • A woman wants to know she’s attractive and loved. Mention you adore her smile.
  • A woman wants a man who has integrity. Do what you say. Be up-front, honest and open. Be real.
  • A woman wants a man who will love her unconditionally. She’s going to goof up. Will you stand by her? Support her? Encourage her? Be the man she believed you to be?

I hope this helps couples understand each other better. I hope this brings you closer.

Do you have any other ideas about what a woman wants? Or maybe what a man wants? Share them with me.