The Bitterness of Betrayal

The Bitterness of Betrayal

“Daytime Friends and Nighttime Lovers” was a #1 hit in 1977 for country singer Kenny Rogers. It’s about betrayal – a love affair between a woman with her husband’s best friend. Betrayal is a hard pill to swallow because it involves...
Dad – the compass of your family

Dad – the compass of your family

We gave out a compass to every dad at church this Father’s day (2022). Fathers are to be the compass of the family. What is purpose of a compass? It is an instrument that guides us in the right direction. A compass helps us to find our way when we get lost. Many...
Watching for Jesus

Watching for Jesus

Growing up, my grandparents had a trailer in Florida for the winter and we would use it in the summer. I loved playing on the beach in the sand and in the water. One year, my dad was on a rubber raft just floating along. We were surprised how far the tide would take...
Hope in Troubled Times

Hope in Troubled Times

A man approached a little league baseball game. He asked a boy in the dugout what the score was. The boy responded, “18 – 0, we’re behind.”  “Boy,” said the spectator, “I’ll bet you’re discouraged.”  “Why...
Waiting: Four Actions

Waiting: Four Actions

Don’t you hate waiting? I’ve spent a lot of time in a doctor’s waiting room. Sometimes it ended good, but sometimes it didn’t. However, whether it’s anticipating something good or bad, waiting patiently is often one of the most challenging aspects of life. Luke 21 is...