A candle is a remarkable invention. Fire on the wick melts the wax and it is drawn up the wick, getting hotter and hotter until it turns into a gas. The gas mixes with oxygen and is ignited by the flame that melted the wax in the first place. The heat of the flame melts more wax and the process repeats itself until all the wax has been burnt.

For centuries, candles have been a simple instrument for dispelling darkness (and making the room smell good & adding a touch of romance). Darkness, with all of its power to frighten and bewilder, is no match for the light. The function of a candle is to provide the light that dispels the darkness. A candle does that at great expense to itself. It has to give itself up tot he flame and be consumed.

Jesus said, “Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?” (Mark 4:21)

This question opens our understanding of light. In the spiritual realm, Jesus is the Light that dispels darkness. The light that He brings has been provided at infinite cost. When we come to Him, He kindles that light in us.

1.     Light is meant to be seen.

People are confused in the dark. Nothing looks right in the dark. You see shapes, but not sizes and appearances. Everything is distorted. Is it any wonder values are twisted and distorted in our dark world?

But Jesus is the light. Those who have the light must let Him be seen in their life. We are responsible to shed God’s light and reveal His truth to others. We must not hoard the truth. We have been entrusted with it. We are not to keep it to ourselves, but share it with others.

Are you a light? Do you represent Christ in your world? On a wall near the main entrance to the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, is a portrait with the following inscription: James Butler Bonham – no picture of him exists. This portrait is of his nephew, Major James Bonham, deceased, who greatly resembled his uncle. It is placed here by the family that people may know the appearance of the man who died for freedom.

You are the picture of Jesus that people see. Can they see His resemblance in your life and words?

2.     Light may be hidden.

In times of suffering & persecution, Christians may be tempted to hide their light. But according to Jesus, it is not that people should not hide their light, but they do not. Nobody lights a candle to hide it.

If we choose to hide our light, darkness takes over. Only we can hide our light. Religious leaders tried to hide the apostles’ light, but they burned brighter.

A few years ago, Judy & I took a vacation at Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. It is the world’s longest known cave, with over 400 miles explored. We went on a 3-hour tour with a lot of walking. About half way in the cavern, the guide warned us and turned off all the lights. It was so dark you could feel it. I could feel my eyes strain to see anything. Then he lit a match. And it lit everything up. Eventually, they turned on the lights and we continued the tour. But I was impressed by how much light a small candle will give in total darkness.

Sometimes Christians think their influence doesn’t matter. Maybe it’s too ‘dark’ where you live. Or your Christian life isn’t all it could be (Whose is?). Just let Jesus shine to others and watch what He can do. Remember, Jesus is the light, not you.

In the early days of Promise Keepers, when they still had just one stadium event a year in Boulder, Colorado, a newspaper reporter interviewed E. V. Hill, one of the speakers. The reporter asked him, “What is Promise Keepers all about? What do you do?”

E.V. Hill responded, “We’re all about Jesus. We talk about Jesus.”

And the reporter said, “Is that all?”

“Is that all?” E. V. Hill reported to the Promise Keepers crowd. “They don’t know who He is!”