Most of us want to live the right kind of life. Deep down most people want to be honest, want to be thought of as kind, want to be good family members. Most couples that begin their marriage want to stay together and never disagree. Most people want to live by the Golden Rule, to pray right, to live right. Most people, even if they don’t realize it, want to live out all the principles of the Sermon on the Mount. But what people want isn’t always what they get. Bad decisions, wrong friends, unkind circumstances often lead to a life nobody wants to have.
There is a secret to living right. There is a key to be all God wants you to be and all we want to be. It is a key that will help you in your family, your job, your school, your church, your future, and with your friends and neighbors.
As I began a sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount, a short introduction helped uncover this key to living right.
The Preparation to the Sermon (Matthew 4:23-25)
The Areas of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus began His ministry by presenting the message of the Kingdom and showing Himself to be the fulfillment of the Old Testament promised Messiah (Isaiah 61:1,2). Matthew’s Gospel presents three areas of Jesus’ ministry: (1) Teaching (Matthew 5-7), (2) Preaching (Matthew 10-11), and Healing (Matthew 8-9).
The People of Jesus’ ministry. The crowds were astonished. He was only a ‘teacher’ (7:28). But the disciples not only heard what He said, they responded to their Lord by doing (7:21).
The Purpose of the Sermon
A short summary of this great sermon reveals two reasons Jesus preached it:
1. To show the inadequacy of man’s righteousness (5:20).
Notice Jesus’ comparison of man’s sins (ch. 5): Murder vs. Anger; Adultery vs. Lust; Swearing vs. Honesty; Retaliation vs. Forgiveness; Love neighbors vs. Love enemies
Notice Jesus’ comparisons of man’s good deeds (c. 6): Giving, praying, and fasting were to be done in secret. But most wanted their righteous acts to be seen by others.
Notice Jesus’ comparisons of the two forms of righteousness (ch. 7): 2 paths, 2 gates, 2 prophets, 2 vines, 2 trees, 2 confessions, 2 houses.
2. To proclaim the righteousness God expects.
God expects inward righteousness. The Pharisees thought to go to Heaven they had to keep the commandments outwardly. Jesus said “NO.” To go to Heaven you must keep them inwardly as well. To go to Heaven according to Jesus, you had to be free of anger, lust and always practice honesty, forgiveness, and love your enemies.
But that seems impossible.
The Problem of the Sermon: Can it be obeyed?
There have been two primary views of the Sermon on the Mount.
Many, including some Baptists, believe it is to be kept exactly to get to Heaven. So, in following the teachings, they avoid oaths, personal or military force, and prohibit owning property. They withdrew from all political and social life and let the government take care of itself.
Others, teach that since it is impossible to abide by the rules given, it must be for the millennial kingdom when Jesus literally reigns. So, they teach it is not for today but only gives us a picture of God’s ideal world.
I have a solution. This sermon gives us God’s demands (not advise) on right living and we are expected to live to the letter of the law to enter His Kingdom (5:17,18). But since we cannot live them perfectly (1 John 1:8), we must come to God and receive forgiveness and new life given through His Son Jesus (John 1:12). You are then given the enablement through God’s ever-abiding Spirit to live up to the demands of the ‘Kingdom Standard of Living.
Can the Sermon on the Mount be obeyed? Yes, through Christ.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
The Key to Right Living: You can’t live it yourself; only Jesus Christ can live it through you.
If you have not surrendered your life to God and trusted Christ for His righteousness, do it today.
If Christ is living in you, yield your life to Him. Allow Jesus to live His life through you. He died in your place. Now He wants to live His life through you.
You can read my other Sermon on the Mount articles: Life Redefined: Sermons from The Sermon on the Mount.