I’ve been blessed with four wonderful grandchildren who add richness to my life. I love talking to them and just watching them.
As I thought about my grandchildren I thought I’d share a few thoughts of the meaning of being a grandparent from Erma Bombeck.
Below is what she said…
- If I’d known grandchildren were going to be so much fun, I’d have had them first.
- A grandparent helps you with the dishes when it is your night.
- A grandparent is the only baby-sitter who doesn’t charge more after midnight–or anything before midnight.
- A grandparent buys you gifts your mother says you don’t need.
- A grandparent pretends he doesn’t know who you are when you play dress-up.
- A grandparent will put a sweater on you when she is cold, feed you when she is hungry and put you to bed when she is tired.
- When you’re a baby, a grandparent will check to see if you are crying when you are sound asleep.
- When a grandchild says, “Grandma, how come you didn’t have any children?” a grandparent holds back the tears.

- Grandparents don’t have to do anything except be there when we come to see them.
- They are so old they shouldn’t play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.
- When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.
- They don’t say, ‘Hurry up.’
- Usually grandmothers are fat but not too fat to tie your shoes.
- They wear glasses and funny underwear.
- When they read to us, they don’t skip. They don’t mind if we ask for the same story over again.
- Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don’t have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.
If you are a grandparent, I hope you enjoy all your grandchildren (and some great-grandchildren).
Do you have a thought about being a grandparent or grandchild?
You can read some of my other articles about grandparents: 5 things my papaw taught me, 8 things grandparents can do.