Exercise Early in the Morning

Exercise Early in the Morning

“If you don’t make time for exercise, you’ll probably have to make time for illness.” – Robin Sharma The three simple staples of a healthy life is eat right, get plenty of rest, and exercise. I’m sure we attempt the first two every...
A Reader is a Leader

A Reader is a Leader

I have always loved to read. I think it started for me when my mom read to us at night. She was a school teacher. Then one Christmas my grandmother, who was a school librarian, gave me about 12 paperback books from Scholastic books. I read every one several times. I...
Start your Day with Silence

Start your Day with Silence

What is the first thing that happens in your morning? My guess is you hear your alarm clock or phone going off. Most of our days begin with noise. If it is not an audible noise, we are consumed with internal noise. As soon as we wake up, our mind begins to stress...
Honor Your Father

Honor Your Father

Dads are special. I have great memories of my dad. He was a steel mill worker who worked the swing shift. He worked hard, but seemed to take a lot of time to spend with us four kids. Every summer he would take his vacation and we would go to Smoky Mountains or Florida...
Dear Diary? (Your Morning Journal)

Dear Diary? (Your Morning Journal)

“A dull pencil is better than a sharp memory” It is easy to forget things. That’s why I use a written list for things as simple as going to the grocery or as important as my prayer time. Writing things out has many values. That is why many people...