Four Ideas to Help you Accomplish your Goals

Four Ideas to Help you Accomplish your Goals

What is your New Year’s Resolution? Are you going to lose some weight? Or maybe read more books or learn a new language? Maybe you want to read the entire Bible this year? I hope you are you planning for a great year? I saw a recent article that listed the five most...


Summer is a great time to do something different… visit a new vacation spot, start a healthy habit, learn something new.   This summer (2018) I have challenged myself to become a better pray-er. In order to do that, I am going to read three books and get...
My Reading List – 2017

My Reading List – 2017

“What are you reading now?” That’s a great ice-breaker question. Most people are always reading something, even if it’s the newspaper or article on the internet. You can tell a lot about someone by what captures their mind. What do you like?...