How do you mend a broken heart?

How do you mend a broken heart?

If you have a had a broken heart, you know how hard life can be. It’s good to know that Jesus “restores my soul.” This is one of the shortest phrases in Psalm 23. But it may be the most hopeful. For all of us, there is something wrong with our soul. It is...
Something Stinks!!!

Something Stinks!!!

A few years ago I came inside my house and smelled something bad. Right away I knew what it was. Dog poop! Sorry to use such language, but that is the most appropriate word I can use. I smelled dog poop.  However, we don’t have a dog. Evidently when the kids...
Do you need still waters in your life?

Do you need still waters in your life?

A criminal, desperate to escape the police, runs into the desert with hardly any water. Very soon, he runs out of drinking water, and hours later, he is already plodding under the merciless desert sun. He is close to desperation when suddenly, he sees something far...
Sheep and the Green Pastures

Sheep and the Green Pastures

What is your favorite food? According to Google, the most popular food in America is a hamburger… followed by hot dogs, french fries, Oreo cookies, and pizza. What about the favorite food of Presidents? George Washington liked mushroom ketchup. Thomas Jefferson liked...
The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my Shepherd

I began a 12 week sermon series about the 23rd Psalm to begin the year 2023. These are some of my thoughts from the very first verse. “The Twenty-third Psalm is the greatest poem ever penned in any language. It reigns supreme in circles of highest culture and in...
Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

Life is full of big decisions. Some are easy. Some are hard. Some are trivial. Some are pivotal. A farmer hired a man to work for him. His first job was to paint the barn which should take him 3 days to complete but he finished in 1 day. His next job was to cut wood,...