“What are you reading now?”
That’s a great ice-breaker question. Most people are always reading something, even if it’s the newspaper or article on the internet. You can tell a lot about someone by what captures their mind.
What do you like? Fiction or Non-fiction? Novel or Self-help? Short stories or Classics? Comedy or Business? History or Current Events? Politics or Business? Biography or Sci-Fi? Comic books or Coloring books? We have lots of choices, don’t we?
I love to read. With all the new technology, I have doubled my reading capacity. I love to read on Kindle. It allows me to read anywhere. I can carry dozens of books in the palm of my hand. I also listen to audio books with Audible or ChristianAudio. It’s great for when I’m driving or on exercising. But I still love to have a book in one hand and coffee cup in the other.
I have always loved reading. When I was young, I read adventure books. As I got older, I read history and ministry books. I still try to read a variety of books. I love biographies and classics. At times I read books with which I strongly disagree. It stretches my thinking.
So I thought I would share with you my book list for this year. Below are the books I have completed in 2017. These aren’t just want I want to read someday. These are books I’ve read from all the way through. I will update this list as I complete new books. For the books I have used as a blog post, you might want to read ‘My Review.’ I have also included a link to Amazon for each book in case you want to order it.
I’d love to know what you’re reading. Also, if you have a recommended book, let me know. Or, if you have read any of these books, let me know what you think of them.
(This list does not include my reading through the Bible. A few years ago I realized I was reading more about the Bible than the Bible itself. So for several years I have read the Bible through four times each year. It’s a challenge but it takes about 30-45 minutes every the morning. Try it once.)
My Reading List for 2017…
- Published (Chandler Bolt)
- Moving Messages (Rick Bundschuh)
- Essentialism (Greg McKeown)
- The Shack (William Young)
- Jump (Steve Harvey) – My Review
- Purpose Driven Life – audio (Rick Warren) My Review
- Key Words of the Christian Life (Wiersbe)
- America at the Crossroads ( Barna)
- Abraham Lincoln (Elton Trueblood) My Review
- The Book of Strange New Things (Michael Faber)
- The Miracle Morning for Transforming your Relationship (Stacey Martino)
- The Coaching Habit (Michael pStanier)
- The Essential Guide to Fasting (Elmer Towns)
- Coaching Questions (Tony Stoltzfus)
- Miracles (CS Lewis)
- Be a People Person (John Maxwell)
- The 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching (Wayne McDill)
- A Fourfold Salvation (AW Pink)
- The ONE Thing (Gary Keller)
- Be Equipped – Deuteronomy (Wiersbe)
- The Renegade Healthy Pastor (Nelson Searcy, Steve Reynolds) My Review
- Black Hawk Down (Mark Bowden)
- Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough (Elmer Towns) My Review
- Here’s the Story (Maureen McCormick)
- Free Grace Soteriology (David Anderson)
- The Four Loves (CS Lewis)
- Rediscovering Discipleship (Robby Gallaty)
- Be Mature – James (Wiersbe)
- The New American Commentary-James (Kurt Richardson)
- The 4-Hour Work Week (Timothy Ferriss)
- Be a People Person (John Maxwell)
- Everyone Communicates Few Connect (John Maxwell)
- A Guide to Fervent Prayer (Pink)
- Shaken (Tim Tebow)
- Growing Up (Robby Gallaty)
- The Names of Jesus (Wiersbe)
- Superman (Larry Tye)
- The Story of the Phantom (Lee Falk)
- The Abolition of Man (CS Lewis)
- Comfort from a Country Quilt (Reba McEntire)
- John Wesley (Basil Miller)
- Money Matters in the Church (Aubrey Malphurs, Steve Stroope)
- Born Country (Randy Owen)
- Man’s Search for Meaning (Victor Frankl)
- Firmly Planted (Robby Gallaty)
- Thinking? (Andy Steiger)
- Meet Generation Z (James Emery White)
- The Problem of God (Mark Clark)
- Pre: Story of America’s Greatest Running Legend (Tom Jordan)
- Unashamed – audio (Lecrae)
- The Boy Born Dead: David Ring – audio (David Wideman)
- Hardheaded, Softhearted (Belluzzo & Dhanam)
- Living Forward – audio (Hyatt & Harkavy)
- The Cure (John Lynch)
- Finally Free (Heath Lambert)
- Why One Way? (John MacArthur)
- Just Mercy (Bryan Stevenson)
- Know Why You Believe – audio (Paul E. Little)
- A Short History of World War One (James L. Stokesbury)
- Heaven – audio (Randy Alcorn)
- America’s Pastor – audio (Grant Walker)
- The Invisible Man – audio (Chesterton)
- The Truth about Same-sex Marriage – audio (Lutzer)
- Courageous Grandparenting (Cavin Harper)
- The Mingling Of Souls – audio (Matt Chandler)
- Go Big or Go Home – audio (Scotty McCreery)
- Sacred Sex – audio (Tony Evans)
- Turn up the Heat (Kevin Leman)
- The Anabaptist Story (William Estep)
- Church Unique (Will Mancini)
- The Potter’s Promise (Leighton Flowers)
- The Moment of Truth (Wayne McDill)
- Teamwork makes the Dream work (John Maxwell)
- Coffee (H.E. Jacobs)
- The Longview (Roger Parrott)
- 1 Corinthians – audio (Bill Creasy)
- 1 Corinthians – audio (Skip Heitzig)
- The Last Arrow – Erwin McManus
- Never Look at the Empty Seats (Charlie Daniels)
- Jesus in the Present Tense (Warren Wiersbe)
- A Short History of Nearly Everything – audio (Bill Bryson)
- You and Me Forever – audio (Francis & Lisa Chan)
- Whisper (Mark Batterson)
- The Trinity (Chuck Missler)
- Romans Volume 2 (Boice)
- Relentless– audio (Tim Grover)
- Sing (Keith & Kristyn Getty)
- Let it go – audio (Tony Evans)
- I’d Like you more if you were more like me (Ortberg)
- The Senior Pastor’s Dilemma (Regi Campbell)
- The Mentoring Manifesto (Regi Campbell)
- What the Bible says about Addiction (Tim Hofflander)
- Finds my your Purpose (Regi Campbell)
- Talk Like Ted – audio (Carmine Gallo)
- Delighting in God – audio (Tozer & Snyder)
- Evil and the Justice of God – audio (NT Wright)
- Why I am a Christian – audio (John Stott)
- Advanced Strategic Planning (Aubrey Malphurs)
- Biblical Counseling and the Church (Kellemen, Kevin Carson)
What are you reading?
You might also want to read some of my related articles: 5 Books Every Christian Should Read, A Reader is a Leader,